Production of plastic packaging with an emphasis on usefulness and functionality
We are aware that properly designed and manufactured packaging will protect products from damage or other deterioration during transport. It also facilitates storage and handling in the field of logistics. At the same time, it protects the product from both quantitative and qualitative changes and, last but not least, ensures its hygienic integrity.
In general, packaging has six basic functions - protective, informational, handling, promotional, economic and ecological. That's why ours production of plastic packaging takes care of packaging compliance with the requirements for their impact on the environment. Because we care about nature. And we also care about the satisfaction of our clients. A quick, correct and professional understanding of their needs, as well as the know-how refined over the years, are among the key factors of our success. We pride ourselves on quality products, top-notch customer support, expert advice and affordability that's friendly to your budget. We are pleased with the trust shown by our regular and new clients, and we will always do our best to ensure that our production of plastic packaging nesklamala.
We constantly monitor current trends in the field of plastic packaging, with the aim of meeting even the most demanding customer requirements. Every time, we strive to design a functional customized packaging solution, from the design to the final implementation.
How does the production of plastic packaging work?
- send us an inquiry - contact us by phone, e-mail, online form or stop by our office in Šamorín - Šámot.
- consultation - we will process your requirements, observations and suggestions. We will then go over all the essentials and details with you and recommend the most suitable solution. Consultations are free of charge. After confirming all the details, we will prepare a customized quote.
- production of plastic packaging začína po vašom odsúhlasení.
According to the previous agreement with the customer, we are able to directly deliver already pressed plastics, or just material that the customer will subsequently process himself at his own expense.
Náš plastový program tvoria obalové materiály určené najmä pre potravinárstvo a farmaceutický priemysel – PVC termoformigové fólie, PET termoformigové fólie a PS / PP / PLA termoformingové fólie. Production of plastic packaging ide ruka v ruke s výrobou plastových dielov (sme odborníci aj na Technical plastics a gumové produkty – technical rubber ako jedna zo základných zložiek).