
Technical plastics

Technical plastics they belong to the category of special types of plastics, which are characterized by excellent technical properties, such as heat resistance, Technical plastics usable in various areas. We can mention the production of components and parts for the needs of the automotive and electrotechnical industry, construction, medicine, food, chemical and engineering industries, etc. Technical plastics they are generally characterized by high resistance, strength and stability, which allows their use even in more demanding environments and conditions.

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Products made of technical plastics characterized by high precision

Technical plastics We use technical plastics as basic materials in the production of various products (especially rods, tubes and plates) with specific properties to meet the specific requirements of our customers, especially for mechanical, temperature and chemical resistance. The production of technical plastics is usually based on special technologies, which include, for example, injection of plastics into molds. This process allows us to create even complex geometric shapes with high precision and repeatability.

Technical plastics and their use

Depending on the material used, it is possible to use technical plastics in the field of production, maintenance or construction - we can mention gears, bearings, pulleys, bushings, various parts of conveyors or food machinery, underground storage tanks for liquid substances, welded tanks and storage tanks in a chemical environment, flanges, pump parts, chain and conveyor belt guides, flat seals, insulators, sliding rails and bushings, machine covers, switchboards and distribution boxes, transport pallets or various other parts of machines and equipment. 

Engineering plastics are usually made from polymers:

PA 6 and PA 66 – extruded polyamide, which is also known as silon. It is universal Technical plastics, which can also handle strong dynamic loads. They are characterized by high damping capacity, hardness, strength and wear resistance.

POM-C – polyacetal (copolymer) is resistant to thermal aging and also has high chemical resistance.

POM-H – homopolymer characterized by mechanical strength, hardness, resistance and rigidity.

PP – polypropylene can be defined as a structural plastic. Its properties include good strength, hardness and chemical and temperature resistance. It has good electrical insulation properties, even in a humid environment.

PVC - polyvinyl chloride is characterized by high stability, rigidity, mechanical strength and excellent chemical resistance. It is a good electrical insulator and can also be glued and welded. Its heat resistance ranges from approximately -15 to +70 degrees Celsius.

PE – polyetylén patrí medzi fyziologicky nezávadné technické plasty. Pomerne dobre sa reže i zvára. PE je taktiež dobrým elektrickým izolantom s vysokou húževnatosťou a oteruvzdornosťou.

PTFE - teflon is flexible with good sliding properties, low absorption and perfect chemical resistance as well as resistance to high temperatures (from -260 to +260 degrees Celsius). Not to mention excellent electrical insulation properties and resistance to aging. It should be noted that Teflon is physiologically neutral Technical plastics, which are also suitable for food contact.

ABS – belongs to the category of durable and strong thermoplastics with a finer material layering structure. Thanks to its good mechanical properties, it has a wide range of uses, especially for mechanically stressed parts.

TEXTIT - excellent shock absorption and good mechanical properties. It is an excellent construction material for the construction of machines working in more demanding and aggressive environments.

PMMA – the basic characteristics of polymethyl methacrylate (plexiglass) are low absorption, good electrical insulation properties, chemical resistance and water resistance. It is a material mainly associated with safety glazing, but it is also used for structural components. It is known for its great scratch resistance.

PC – polycarbonates are in demand for high strength and impact resistance. They retain their stiffness in a wide temperature range and are also suitable for food contact.

PET – polyethylene terephthalate has good electrical insulation properties, high mechanical strength, hardness, rigidity, resistance to wear and dimensional stability.

We are experts in Technical plastics a radi vám pomôžeme pri výbere vhodného materiálu pre vaše technické výrobky. Do nášho portfólia spadajú PVC, PET, PS / PP / PLA Thermoformig foils, technical rubber aj production of plastic parts a production of plastic packaging, ako aj ostatné gumové produkty, OPP prostriedky a obalové materiály.

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