
Thermoformig foils

Thermoformig foils are used for the production of packaging, plastic parts and other shaped products using the thermoforming / blistering process. Blister is a strong and durable packaging protecting the content - the product from failure (dust, moisture, dirt or other adverse harmful effects). It is mainly used in the food industry and, for example, in the packaging of medicines, accessories, toys, sanitary items, electrical components and similar smaller and larger objects.

Thermoformig foils are standardly made from different types of plastics such as PET (polyethylene terephthalate), PVC (polyvinyl chloride), PS (polystyrene), PP (polypropylene) or PE (polyethylene). Each type of plastic has its own specific properties (thermal stability, flexibility, strength or resistance to chemicals) that are related to its use in the thermoforming process.

The thermophone is designated as a production form in which the plastic material is heated to a temperature and then wrapped using vacuum (it is formed into a certain shape). the resulting product is cut into the desired shape after demoulding. Thermoforming films are the result of vacuum forming of plastics. Thermoformig foils sú výsledkom vákuového tvarovania plastov.

Termoformigové fólie - 1

Properties of thermoforming foils from REMAPLAST, p. r. about.

– strength, stiffness and stability,

– made of high-quality materials,

- waterproof and water resistance,

– long durability, service life and functionality,

– relatively low weight,

– versatile use,

– adaptability of the design according to the customer's needs.

Thermoformig foils (pharmaceutical, production and food quality) we manufacture to measure with an emphasis on cost efficiency, aesthetics, short delivery times and a tailor-made solution for your products.

We would like to add that Thermoformig foils sú súčasťou nášho plastového programu (Technical plastics, production of plastic packaging aj production of plastic parts). Nech vašej pozornosti neujde ani náš gumový program (polyuretánové dosky, tyče a ostatné hotové výrobky, ktoré vám vyrobíme podľa doručenej technickej dokumentácie).

We will ensure not only the production and delivery of the ordered goods, but also a comprehensive service. You can always rely on our expert advice and consultations (focused on material, graphic designs, research and development of products, etc.) one hundred percent.

In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to our cooperation.

Thermoformig films and their use

Thermoform films are used in many industries. In addition to the aforementioned food and pharmaceutical industries, they are also used in the cosmetic industry or consumer electronics. Thermoformig foils are also used for the production of various products - we can mention blister packaging, tray packaging, cups, lids and lids, protective packaging, etc.

Our company, in addition to ensuring the delivery of goods
offers the client a comprehensive service
regarding the offered assortment.