
Wholesale business partner for products
from technical rubber and plastic.

Company founded in 1992

30 years of supplying
high quality products!

Remaplast is a Slovak company that has been successfully establishing itself in a demanding competitive environment since 1992 as a specialized wholesale partner for technical rubber and plastic products. It acts as an exclusive sales representative of important domestic and foreign manufacturers. It creates a complete and irreplaceable offer of an assortment of semi-finished and finished products and adds to this a technical consulting service, including dividing, cutting and die-cutting of plastic and rubber materials.

Úvod - 1
Úvod - 2

Company founded in 1992

Product portfolio

Dodávame polotovary z technických plastov pre chemické, energetické a potravinárske strojárenstvo, hutníctvo, pre výrobu strojov a prípravkov pre automobilový a elektronický priemysel, na dodávky plastov na výrobu dverí, logistických systémov. Nezastupiteľnú úlohu majú kooperácie pri spracovaní termoformingových fólií PVC, PVC/PE, PVC/PVDC, PET, PP/EVOH, PS fólií pri výrobe technických blistrov, prelisov a na výrobu plastových obalov v potravinárskom a farmaceutickom priemysle.

Our company, in addition to ensuring the delivery of goods
offers the client a comprehensive service
regarding the offered assortment.

Company founded in 1992

Contact us

In case of any questions, contact us by email:,

or call us on the phone number:

+421 905 603 148

+421 915 735 057

+421 3 15 50 16 66